It be's that way sometimes.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cover us. . .we're goin' in.

I am not an athlete. . .Tony is a competitor, but he's no athlete either. Thad has fallen off the couch twice tonight. He did it the same exact way both times--and not on purpose. Victoria slipped in her sock feet and splatted all over the kitchen floor as soon as she got home and got her shoes off today.

We are not a graceful crew.

So. . .we signed up for soccer. Go figure.

Thad is very excited. Victoria is not as excited but is warming up to the idea. She IS very happy about the whole accessorizing thing. . .shin guards, water bottle, etc. Hot and sweaty--not so much--but she's all about the stuff.

I am pretty confident that we will not take the little league soccer world by storm--more like by accident. But we're willing to help--to get out there and commit our Saturdays and our sanity through December 2nd (minus the one Saturday we will be camping). We will honk and drive in our crepe paper bedecked cars during the parade. We will bring our fold up lawn chairs to cheer on our team during the competitions. We will kiss bruises and chant positive chants and say "Great Job!" and "We'll get 'em next time."

And whether this is a yearly or merely one-time event, we're goin' in. . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a bummer that our saturdays are poof - gone - with the sports season, and rather than lamenting, I started to embrace it. The kids have fun, and we get to kick back in a portable game chair and watch. It's pretty much the only time all week I have total permission to sit and not "do" anything except watch my kids.

This evening I walked two miles around the track where Weylin was practicing football... hey, there's always something in it for me! *giggle*

9:20 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

Welcome to the world of soccer. We, too, just began the journey. Fortunately, our season is not long - 10 weeks - so we are finished on Nov 11. Austin wasn't into the practices at all. Particularly since it was still 100 or more when it started! Now that it's cooling off, he is all about it. Games, he would just as soon play with his cousins who have come to watch him as to play in the game. Oh, well. He's 4 - he's having fun! (don't be surprised at what will happen...Austin tackled one of his own teammates 2 weeks ago! Soccer, not football.)

10:13 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Soccer is the thing in our group of friends... but I cant convince my girls to do it! I haven't tried the accesorizing idea... hmmm..

Thanks for the suggestions on the blogs! Always love to hear from you!

9:51 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Kids are so cute in soccer. Unfortunately, we don't have it way up here in the boonies. Maybe when we move again. My parents used to call me Grace when I was little. They were being sarcastic, of course.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

P.S. I missed reading your daily rambles too. When we got home, we found out the whole town was without internet or cell service. It took them all of Friday to fix it. They don't have any competition around here, so they take their sweet time.

4:00 PM  
Blogger mouse said...

Your family sounds like mine. Hubby doesn't care about sports, boys don't care about sports, daughter doesn't care about sports. When I was younger I loved sports so I watch the Sunday football games by myself, watch the baseball games by myself and every once in a while force the whole family to go to the high school football games with me.
Enjoyed visiting your blog.

1:12 PM  

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