It be's that way sometimes.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Unapologetic Cuteness

So no one's been commenting much lately. . .on my humble little blog or on many of the others that I read. Maybe everyone is too busy. I know I'm too busy, but I'm also excellent at procrastinating and that's why you keep on hearing from me. Maybe no one is blogging about anything worthy of commenting. . .but I don't really think that's true seeing as how I keep on commenting. Of course, if you know me, you know I could hold a conversation with absolutely anyone including just myself--which is pretty much what I'm doing right this second. . .so here are some cute pictures of my kids. They are not, by far, the CUTEST pictures, but they are all I have on our 6 year old grainy digital video camera with the photographic option.

The girl. . .in all of her dress-up glory. She's quite the looker. . .

And here is the boy pretending that he's going to run over you with his Big Wheel. He won't REALLY run over you with his Big Wheel, but he likes to pretend.

That's all I got. . .Friday was the end of the 1st 6 weeks in my school district. I am hoping beyond hopes that the second 6 weeks is a little more calm and sedate than the 1st. . .yeah--well--one can dream. Happy nearly October to ya. . .and comment at will.


Blogger Ginger said...

The pictures are darling!

I can't speak for the rest of blogland, but I have been commenting less, and I think it's a combination of "too busy," and "I feel like my head is empty."

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, busy, here too.
And still I have a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day to pop in for a hello. Hello!

Sometimes visiting a blog, even if no comment is left, is a way of saying, "I was thinking of you."

8:37 PM  
Blogger Sandy's Space said...

In all my commotion about Africa, and the fact that my boss is away for a month, I am usually trashed by the time I get home from work. Nap, make dinner, clean up, get ready for the next day and go to bed.

Don't stop blogging, or commenting... someone has to keep the show going!

I always love your blogs.

9:23 AM  
Blogger Looney Momâ„¢ said...

Life's hectic and chaotic. I know what you mean though; where'd everyone go?

I love that look - your daughter - wait until she's 13! Your son is so cute.

I do hope school goes better. I had to yank my middle schooler out - I'll be homeschooling. I'm just getting that all situated so who knows how much I'll be around blogland.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Cute kids... and I agree... where has all the love gone? Not that I have been much better... I have been saving up my reading and catching up all at once.

9:58 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Somehow Thad's angry face doesn't quite convince me. :)

3:55 PM  

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