It be's that way sometimes.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Daddy's going camping

Tony is off to the woods tomorrow with his friends Mike and Richard. They go and camp. . .three Eagle Scouts out drinking Kool-Aid and playing poker for Bob's jalapeno potato chips. So the kids and I have a lot of fun planned for tomorrow after school (so we can stay home most of Saturday).

First, I will read to Victoria's class, then we will swing by and get the boy. Next, we'll take a jaunt to Toys R Us so that Thad can get a chalk drawer. He REALLY wants it. . .and he pointed out that we do, indeed, "have lots and lots of coupons, Mommy." After that we need to get new shoes for both of them. . .and by that time we will NEED to stop and get Wendy's for dinner. I have an ulterior motive for choosing Wendy's. . .there is no playland. . .which means I can bring them home and they can watch Veggie Tales while we eat and I take a break.

Saturday morning we will go to Shipley's for a VERY nutritious breakfast of donuts. . .then we will be back on the straight and narrow--gastronomically and financially--our money and calories all spent.

Daddy isn't the only one who will have an eventful weekend.


Blogger Sarah said...

Best of luck to ya! Staying home on Saturday sounds like a GREAT idea -- wish I could!

10:20 AM  

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