It be's that way sometimes.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Just where is Henry Higgins when you need him? We never had Henry Higgins. . .but we did have Gayla for one year. She was Thad's speech therapist from the ages of 2 to 3 years. She was patient and kind and Thad loved her AND made an 18 month gain in his speech development during his year with her. He was released from speech due to his rapid gains and the fact that his speech was that of an average 3 year old.

If you've been reading my blog, then from my description of Thad's verbage, you can tell that speech is again on the horizon of his little world. He comes by it naturally--Tony had problems for a long time when he was young. Thad can't quite make is "l's" and "r's" behave. He is getting better at his "th's" and "sh's", but we do a lot of compensating for him.

Here is a conversation that took place on Friday night as Tony and Thad played "Batman vs. Catwoman Legos."

Thad is looking at the picture of Catwoman (adequately clothed, mind you) and says,

"I wost huh wip."

Tonys says,

"You lost her rip?"

"No. Huh wip."

"Her lip???"

"NO!!!! Huh WIP!!!"

"You lost her rip or her lip?"

"Daddy, I wost huh WUH-IP."

Light bulb appears over Tony's head.

"OH!!!!! You lost her WHIP!!!!!!!!!"

Then he turns to me and says, "I was compensating when none was needed."

And just what would Catwoman be without her whip?


Blogger Rebecca said...

Catch up, Dad!

10:13 PM  
Blogger mouse said...

That is so funny. When my son Matt was little we couldn't understand anything he said, his older brother had to interpet everything to us. We had him in speech private and through the schools for about 6 years. Most of the time now his speech is very good except when he does that mumbling stuff that his dad and brother are also guilty of. ARGGGGG!!!!

3:21 AM  

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