It be's that way sometimes.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Post Two. . .in which I digress, sort of

Okay. . .after my brain tiredness of the day, I decide to do some blog surfing. I normally stick to my regular rounds. . .but on someone's comments I saw "Faster than Kudzu" as a link. Well, the name caught my fancy, so I headed on over and found something that made me read more, and led me on a nice little walk down "you and weird 6th grader dude ain't got it so bad."

Go here, here, here, and then here to see why you just THOUGHT your day wasn't so hot. Of course. . .I'm sure this gal would say hers could have been worse too. So if something really tragic has happened to you, then this is small potatoes. But if you dropped a new jar of pickles in the floor and glass and pickle corpses and pickle juice flew all into a freshly laundered basket of lace underthings (dropping the new jar of pickles=non-fiction, lace underthings=hypothetical. . .I wear cotton), or if your husband came home in a foul mood and one of the children threw up and you bounced a check, then this should make you feel better.


Blogger Sandy's Space said...

Wow Roxanne, I was rivited right to the very end!!!!

10:07 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Um, HELLO!! You wandered onto Joshilyn Jackson's blog?? How cool is THAT!!! You know how she said she wanted to write 'gods in Alabama' on the wall in the jail? She WROTE 'gods in Alabama' with this awesome first line: "There are gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel's, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big t*ts, and also Jesus." Wow. Yes, crappy, crappy day. Of course, she did make it quite riveting!

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember wandering on her blog and reading the first two 'installments' and now I've been happily updated with the continuation. I'm going to bed now.

9:32 PM  

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