It be's that way sometimes.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

"J-O-Y, J-O-Y, this is what it means. . ."

Despite the popularity of Monday as the worst part of the week. . .I choose Sunday evening. That's right--Sunday evening is my least favorite part of the week--but only during the school year. During summer vacation I love it. There is no overhanging event of going back to work in the morning--or things left undone that you intended to accomplish but didn't quite tackle. Monday hangs afresh over the horizon, and you can just go at it again tomorrow.

But during the school year, all those things that didn't get done have to wait until Saturday. And lately on Saturday, I've had a rather lengthy nap after sleeping in. . .and another nap on Sunday afternoon. . .the week with all of it's "to do" list wears me down to the nub. I have been even more tired this year despite the greatest of efforts to eat better and drink lots of water and lots less diet Coke. . .I still end up just tuckered out. . .and I spend Sunday evening not looking forward to any of it.

So there's the rub--and the whine. Time to get over it for another week--or atleast until next Sunday night which is the first night of Spring Break--a little taste of summer. . .then only 8 school weeks until REAL summer and atleast 9 weeks of enjoyable Sunday evenings. I will work on my attitude before then--but I know for sure I've got that to look forward to. . .plus spring is here which leads to all sorts of radical behavior at my house.

This morning a guy named Bob Miranda was talking about why we serve God and how we serve God and that it is to ALWAYS be with an attitude of joy. . .so I've decided that first thing at school tomorrow I am going to make myself several JOY posters. . .I have some huge letters at school that I can trace on to any fun, pretty paper I choose. . .and so I plan to place the word "Joy" in several strategic places in my classroom. I would prefer to actually make some huge scripture posters. . .but the Texas Education Agency would most definitely frown upon that. My 6th grade kids can think I'm a kook--I don't care--it definitely won't do any of us any harm--and it will MOST definitely do me some good.


Blogger Sarah said...

Joy is something that God put on my heart to pray for years ago. It's still a constant struggle. Isn't that sad -- I have everything I could possibly need, "blessings all mine with 10,000 beside" and joy is a struggle. What is up with THAT? So funny/interesting that you would post this -- I just 2 days ago decided I "NEED" a sterling "joy" ring from Friendze! My string around my finger to remind me all that should give me joy. And don't EVER forget 2 Cor. 2:14 -- God is leading you in a parade!! Be joyful as you bang your drum, wave from the convertible, whatever!

7:43 PM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

The great news about those "joy" rings from Friendze is that they cost less than $10 from what I remember. . .and I'm glad you mentioned it, because I need to get myself one too! I actually have one for Victoria for "someday" all set aside--never thought of one for me. You come in VERY handy, Sarah.


9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Beautiful Lady! I love your idea of Joy posters in your classroom! Very creative and very closet guerilla artisty (!)

12:48 PM  

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