It be's that way sometimes.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

That's the way the cookie crumbles. . .

Tonight we served our time at the Girl Scout Cookie store. Now, it's cold in Houston, Texas tonight, folks, and it was incredibly cold outside of the Kroger at Hwy. 6 and West Rd. Misty, windy, cold. And our cookie store was from 6:00-8:00, so it was dark too. But the girls loved it. They loved playing and being out late and accosting the unsuspecting Kroger customers with their cuteness. Our whole family was there--Thad even tried to drum up some business for his sister.

Now we are home--thawing--the kids are up late (for them), and seeing as how none of us had dinner before we went, we are eating Wendy's burgers and fries way past time for adequate digestion. There's a fire in the fire place, Olympics on channel 2, and I have two movies in my purse for Tony and me to watch once the kids are in bed. We will be tired when it's time to get to class in the morning, but the evening's contentment--happy family in a happy home full of dinner that I didn't have to cook OR clean up after--is well worth it.

Time to go see who is winning the down hill ski races.


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