It be's that way sometimes.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I am so proud. . .

You paid attention during 86% of high school!

85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

Do you deserve your high school diploma?
Create a Quiz

So I did pretty well. . .though I must admit that one question I would have answered differently a couple of days ago, but I JUST read something about it. . .and I TOTALLY guessed at the one about the area of a right triangle. I am a READING/LANGUAGE ARTS TEACHER for a VERY good reason.


Blogger Sarah said...

I'm SAYING!! How the flip did you score 6 points higher than me????????? 'Cause I KNOW you didn't know the area of the right triangle (6 b/c area of any triangle is 1/2base x height!) You, however, probably out-did me on both Shakespeare AND dangling modifiers. Whatever. You showed OCS proud. Again, 'cause I know VERY little of that information came from OCS. We had way bigger fish to fry, don'tyaknow.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

WELL, if you MUST know. . .I was (really and truly) going to entitle the blog "I cannot BELIEVE I scored higher than Sarah" but thought that anyone who reads it and doesn't know me might think that's really obnoxious. . .all I can say is that I learned percentages while selling CM and I mistakenly (all these years) thought the immaculate conception was Jesus' conception, but read the other day (on Snopes researching articles for my reluctant readers no less) that it is, indeed, referring to Mary's conception. The rest is just being a full time school teacher married to a full time school teacher who also happens to be a PBS/Nova/Science Night/documentary junkie. . .and if I want to cuddle with him, then that's what I watch. :)

That just goes to prove that if I did major in WJH adoration and talking and painting my nails and writing notes to you and socializing with my teachers during high school one CAN STILL become a productive adult. I guess we just had to get out of high school so we could go and learn something.

(And I guessed 10 on the triangle. Neither you NOR Timms, despite your best efforts and tender loving care could teach me that.) But I remember pi--are you impressed or what???? It was probably the yearly showing of "Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land."

9:14 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

I win. :P Now I'm being obnoxious. But that just proves that the test doesn't prove anything, because I certainly was not paying attention, except in English and Spanish lit, and even then I was only half there.

11:15 PM  

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