It be's that way sometimes.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

From a Wonderful Book

If you do not own a copy of Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, it is most definitely worth the money. I bought my copy in 1998 and it's all marked up and written in and loved--especially since she loves the oft neglected dash(--) as much as I do. I have lots and lots of things to say about creativity, but I don't have time to say them now, so allow me to post one of my favorite Sarah Ban Breathnach "posts" from Simple Abundance.

Sigh Some More, My Ladies, Sigh Some More
Most of the sighs we hear have been edited.
--Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
I have a habit that drives my husband crazy and keeps me sane.
I sigh.
Obviously, I sigh more than I am consciously aware. Yet I've noticed that whenever my sighing is brought to my attention--"Please don't do that"--I'm taking deep breaths for a very good reason.
Women sigh so that we won't scream. There are several occasions during the course of any woman's day when, without question, screaming is the appropriate response. However, on this side of an electrified fence, screaming is not considered good form.
So we sigh.
First we breathe in, quickly and sharply, inhaling reality, acknowledging the present situation--the current hassle or disappointment, confrontation or challenge, long wait or lack of cooperation.
We hold our breath for a heartbeat.
Then we breath out, slowly and deeply, exhaling and letting go of our initial response--our dismay, impatience, frustration, annoyance, disappointment, regret. Letting it out. Letting it go.
The act of sighing is a quiet vote of acceptance--of "getting over it" and moving on.
Women with significant others and/or children sigh more than their solitary sisters because there are more preferences, needs, wants, wills, and demands to be dealt with, if there is to be a state of peace in the daily round. More bending in order not to break.
So should you feel the need to sigh today, by all means breathe slowly and deeply. Breathe expressively. Think of sighing as the hot air that makes rising to the occasion possible. Hot air that's pent up will eventually explode, and steam can burn. But steam that's deliberately allowed to escape through a safety valve can be converted into creative energy. So sigh with out hesitation. Sigh without guilt. Sigh without embarrassment. Sigh with pleasure.
Sigh some more, my ladies, sigh some more.


Blogger Sarah said...

Does anyone besides me sigh more than the alotted amount during the holidays? Oh. My. Stars. Hot air that allows you to rise above. Indeed.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I yawn, a lot during the holidays.

I am yawning now. *yaaaaawn*

Roxanne, I will be back in the morning to read this most. My eyes are crossing from cutting out tiny heads for my Christmas cards. (oh, you'll see what I mean when you get yours!)

night night. *yawn*

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not most.
I'll be back in the morning to read this Post.

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* oh yes, *sigh*
I am with Sarah. I do sigh much more during the holidays.

6:46 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

I definitely concur with the sigh-so-you-do-not-scream part. I find myself doing that all day long, especially in public, when I'm not screaming.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

I love this book!!! I even have the next one calle Something More!
Thanks for stopping by my blog you are welcome to any time you need a little colour in your life!
There is another post way back in July (i think) called tour my home and you can see the other colours in the house.

5:31 PM  

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