Sarah Continued. . .
They went to the same school, loved the same people, dreamed similar dreams. . .and then high school in the medium-sized town was over, and it was time to set out on their own. So they did. One went to Abilene, Texas, the other to Searcy, Arkansas. Their roads diverged, and they went down separate paths. Their experiences were no longer as similar (although their phone bills were still as big.) It was surprising to some people who knew them that they were still close friends. Surely distance and life would cause them to drift apart. It was not surprising to them, however, that the drift never really happened.
And they both know that even if they never saw each other again, it would be sad, but it wouldn't matter. Their bonds of friendship have lasted across a span of 31 years, through elementary and jr. high and high school, through separate colleges and miles and phone calls, through marriages and babies and deaths in families, through times of growth and times of lethargy, through not being close enough to each other and not being able to get far enough away from each other. These girls made promises long ago. In fact, one girl (me), remembers VERY clearly a note that the other girl (Sarah) left on her music stand (both played clarinet) at a 5th or 6th grade band recital. She asked if they could be friends forever. . .if they could promise to tell each other everything. . .and we did. . .and we have. . .and we will.
Sarah has been my best friend for a very long time. I know that as you become an adult the phrase "best friend" seems pretty childish. . .and I guess in the eyes of most of the world, we don't ACT like best friends. We aren't constantly calling each other or seeing each other or even planning to see each other. In fact, there are other friends that we probably talk to much, much more than we do each other. But we know this. . .God gave us this relationship as a gift. In a world where everyone wants something from you, all we have ever wanted from each other is a safe place to be when we needed it. From the ages of about 13-18 that safe place was with each other as much as we (and our parents) could stand it. During our college years that place was marathon phone calls. During early marriage and motherhood the bonds were strained due to multitudes of new responsibilities and a deplorable lack of sleep, but the bonds were never broken. And now, it's just nice. . .nice to know there is someone who loved the way you were and who loves the way you are and who will love the way you are going to be.
So how to end this post? I'm not sure. . .except to say, "Thank you God for Sarah. Thank you for your faithfulness to us in our lives, for our families, our blessings, and for each other. Please bless our sons and daughters with friends who will be to them what we have been to each other, and thank you for guiding us along our pathway to you. . ."
I am blessed in many, many ways, and Sarah is truly a precious blessing to me.
This was truly a glorious jaunt down memory lane and the pictures bring up so many questions -- why, why, WHY did we do that to our hair?!?! We were "shiny" in all of them -- perhaps it was the dewy effervescence of our friendship radiating from our cheeks!
And, blogger friends, please note that the "re-enactment" picture of us and Tony Timms (high school math teacher): the one where Roxanne and I are both in white is at our high school graduation, the one where it looks like model Roxanne brought her chubby friend along is from our 10th reunion and I and my face were 9 months pregnant.
I think your face looks lovely. . .and I tried to "cut it" so it didn't show Riley's bulge in your belly.
I had to do the 2nd photo montage twice and the one of us at your wedding didn't make it on. . .I was very, very, very sad since I had planned this out for awhile, but didn't have the gumption to do it again.
Shiny effervescence radiating, indeed.
What a wonderful post. I am glad you and Sarah have so many memories together.
I loved your tribute to Sarah. I don't think I have ever met her, but our parents know one another. What a blessing to have the friendship that picks up where you left it, no matter the time or distance.
Love the post... we should all be so lucky to have such a friend. Nice pics too....
What a wonderful way to honour a dear and loving friend.
Beautiful Roxanne!
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